Hovmoller Diagram
- Hovmoller Diagrams are displays that show all the values contained in a single row of latitude or column of longitude on one axis.
- Regardless of whether latitude or longitude is being averaged, the second axis always represents time.
- Large-scale atmospheric changes are able to be mapped over a long period of time using hovmoller diagrams. #which means larger datasets can be visualized using hovmoller diagrams
- Allows scientists to condense multiple years worth of data into a single picture.
- Makes eddie prediction easier for scientists who are studying them using boats. So, we can see general trends of where there are more eddies overtime.
Our Hovmoller Diagrams
What can we interpret from our Hovmoller Diagram?
- We took a large vertical velocity dataset to create a Hovmoller Diagram. This allowed us to further understand the speed at which water is traveling upwards or downwards.
- There are always more eddies in the North. The Gulf Stream is also in the North, which shows that our methods are valid and is consistent with general beliefs about the Ocean. This also shows how things like the Gulf Streams are what causes the vertical velocities and eddies instead of random other things happening in the Ocean.
- Shows us how the eddies are moving overtime and the trends it has. This can help us predict future eddies and common locations.
- A lot more signals (darker colors, which corresponds to stronger vertical velocity) are around 51 North (Lat)
- We can also use our diagrams to study the lengths of eddies and learn the general trends of how fast they move and how long they last. For example, this can help with tracking how far or how quickly one specific eddie would transport an upwelling or downwelling of foreign substances.