

Our goal for this project is to create a comprehensive data set through our python knowledge, so we can predict future eddies by using machine learning.

What are Eddies?:

Ocean eddies are circular currents that move ocean water vertically (think of what happens when water moves around a rock in a river, but on a larger scale). They occur when surface ocean currents bend, causing spirals. We can detect eddies by measuring vertical velocity of the ocean, because they will stand out as points with higher vertical velocity.

image of large scale eddies

Why are Eddies Important?

In the ocean, there are very few things that cause vertical mixing. There are very few places that experience increased mixing of water from the surface and water from the deeper ocean. However, eddies are exceptions to that rule: they cause water to mix vertically across the ocean’s levels. This makes eddies important for scientists to locate and study for two reasons:

Upwelling vs downwelling eddies

Getting Our Data:

satellite altimetry diagram netCDF diagram

Using Our Data:

The fortran code we used calculated the vertical velocity at all of the datapoints represented in the netCDF file using the Navier-Stokes equation, which requires density and geopotential as inputs.

geoid picture equation picture